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Mental Health

It's okay not to be okay

With the opportunity to create a tree for the Festival of Trees at the Museum of Arts and Sciences, I wanted to use the chance to not only showcase my artwork, but to use my voice to amplify an issue that is important to me—mental health.

So let's talk about mental health. 1 and 4 adults have mental health issues.* During the holiday season, stress, anxiety, and depression can be seen at a higher rate. 2020 has also been an extremely difficult year for everyone. We have been dealing with a global pandemic, a toxic political climate, racial injustice being at an all time high, and our economy being at an all time low. Just one of these issues can be overwhelming to anyone and currently, we have them stacked on top of each other.

It is important to remember that it's okay not to be okay and you are not alone in feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or depressed. There is hope. There is help.

Mental health professionals and resources can be used to understand and better manage your reactions to stressors in your life. Asking for help is not showing weakness, rather it is showing your internal strength.

As a community we need to normalize talking about mental health issues, recognizing the signs, and being there for one another—now more than ever.

Local resources

National resources